What is National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX)?
Trading commodities in India is one of the factors that has led to its flourishing economy. Although many investors still feel safer with traditional stock exchanges, the commodity exchange market is growing at a rapid rate. One of the biggest commodity exchanges in India dealing with the trade of agricultural products is the National Commodities and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX). It was incorporated as a public limited company in 2003 and uses modern technology to aid in error-free trading.
What are Balanced budget, Surplus budget, and Deficit budget?
A government budget is an annual financial statement that details the planned government expenditures and receipts or revenues for the coming fiscal year. Budgets are divided into three categories based on the viability of these estimates: balanced budget, surplus budget, and deficit budget. The following are brief descriptions of the three types of budgets:
What is Return on investment (ROi)
In order to measure the profitability of an investment, return on investment is employed. When evaluating an investment's ROI, the method takes into account how much the investor spent and how much they gained. Let us look at how both individual investors and corporations utilise it.
What is the Annual Percentage Rate (APR)?
The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the yearly rate of interest on a loan to be paid. It can vary from personal loans, home loans, and even life insurance loans. It is denoted as a percentage to show the monetary amount owed by an individual or business on a specific principal sum.
What is Earnings Before Interest Taxes & Amortisation (EBITA)?
EBITA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, and Amortisation, which is a measure applied by the investors for the company's profitability. This is used to compare two companies that have the same type of business. Oftentimes, the EBITA of the company indicates the actual performance of that company over the duration.
What is Collateralized Loan Obligation (CLO)?
Investors frequently buy and sell firm debt in the financial sector. Lenders can reduce their risk and investors can increase their rewards by using a collateralized loan obligation. In this post, we'll define collateralized loan obligations, explain how they function, look at how to build one, and discuss some of the benefits they offer to investors.
What are the terms most used in the Stock Market?
In the stock market, traders and businesses may purchase and sell stocks and issue new shares of their stock. There are two types of stock: those that reflect the company's equity and those that represent its assets. Having a better understanding of the stock market's terminology will make you a more effective investor.
What happens if a country prints so much of its currency?
Money is, without a doubt, a critical component of every economy since it facilitates the efficient flow of commerce. Governments have a tremendous amount of power that no one else in the economy possesses: the capacity to create money out of thin air. This means that by creating more money, the government may buy more things, a process is known as seigniorage. On the other hand, this authority comes with its potential risks.
How does the USA put sanctions on other countries but other countries can't do the same?
In terms of international policy, economic sanctions are the suspension of normal commercial and financial contacts between two countries. The long-standing US embargo on Cuba is an example of broad sanctions limiting any economic activity in respect to the country as a whole. On the other hand, sanctions may be narrowly targeted, prohibiting only transactions with and between certain companies, organisations, or individuals.