Updated Mar 24, 2022

What Is a Stock Auction?

What Is a Stock Auction?


An auction is a process that facilitates the relationship between buyers and sellers over certain assets. During the process, the buyers indicate the highest price at which they are willing to gain an asset, and the sellers, in turn, express the minimum price they are willing to accept for the same asset. Auctions can be held in any form. However, in finance, the concept of stock auctions has made its way to prominence.

The stock auctions are held in the auction market, online, or even in-person events. Here, investors and lenders can bargain and trade stocks and shares where the investor with the highest bid gets matched with a lender with the lowest selling price. Stock auctions are no different from antique and art auctions; however, since stocks and shares are financial assets, they are carefully regulated by critical financial institutions and government bodies to ensure trade fairness.

What Are the Different Types of Stock Auctions?

When lenders sell shares to investors, there are always buyers for them. However, these cannot be delivered back to the investors when they have already paid money; in this case, the stock exchange intervenes and calls for an auction.

So that means the buy-in auction where the stockbroker buys shares from the exchange takes place over two days, and then another settlement auction is held within three days to ensure that these shares are sold. Since the stock exchanges don't work on holidays and weekends, the auctions are held only on working days. There are two main types of stock auctions:

  1. Live Auction

This is also known as an in-person auction where the sellers and investors meet at an agreed time and venue. This is generally held over two days, and different stocks are put up for sale and purchase. In this case, the investor already knows which stocks are going on auction and will attend the event accordingly.

  1. Online Auction

With the advent of technology, online auctions are becoming more popular. Here, bidders and sellers compete online for a particular stock or share on a specific platform through the internet. These types of stock options have become popular in the e-commerce industry because of the flexibility and options they provide.


How Do Stock Auctions Work?

The auction process is carefully monitored and is generally a closed event that only relevant investors and lenders can attend. Before the auction begins, the investors are given the portfolio of stocks and shares on sale; they can examine them and express interest in placing their bids. Then, they have to register themselves with an auctioneer.

Investors who wish to enter the auction are asked for documentation and personal details, then verified. After verification., investors are given bidder cards which act as a form of identification during the auction.

When the auction starts, the stock is described, and bidders then put forward their prices for the stock, each bid being higher than the last. The auction only finishes when there are no more bids, and the investor with the highest bid takes ownership of the stock or share after payment to the auctioneer.

What is Stock Auction Pricing?

The stock price calculation determines the auction price for the stocks on the auction day. The minimum stock price is 20% below the closing stock price of the day before the auction. If the price is lower, then investors might make a profit. However, investors do not receive the profit instead it goes to the Investor Protection Fund (IPF). Alternatively, it is given to the investor’s broker, who might give the investor the profit. But if the stock price on the day of the auction is higher, investors need to pay the difference.



Stock auctions are the same as any other auctions. The only difference is that these are generally confidential, and the information of the stocks and shares is disclosed very close to the auction date. This gives the investor very little time to decide whether he wants to participate in it or not. Stock auctions are an excellent way to reduce outstanding shares and improve a company's capitalisation. Although stock auctions are not seen often, they can be very competitive, resulting in conflict between lenders and investors.

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